

In a concerted effort to advance environmental sustainability and community engagement, the County Government of Kakamega, in partnership with various non-governmental organizations, spearheaded a town cleanup initiative at Masingo grounds in Kakamega.

Deputy Governor Hon. Ayub Savula, representing the Governor – H.E FCPA Fernandes Barasa, graced the event under the theme Usafi Bora, mazingira Bora,Jukumu Langu. The initiative underscored the importance of responsible waste management, emphasizing the untapped potential in proper waste management and the economic opportunities it can bring to the community.

In his speech, the Deputy Governor called for increased collaboration between County and National Governments, stating that, in Kakamega such partnerships are crucial for completing projects like Bukhungu International Stadium and other mega projects initiated by the previous administration.

Ms. Peninah Mukabane, the CECM for Water, Environment, Natural Resources, and Climate Change, encouraged residents to take personal responsibility in waste disposal to conserve and protect the environment, noting that the County has provided litter bins at various parts and called for more responsibility in using them.

The event was attended by MCAs led by Vice-Chair Environment Committee Hon. Sarah Netia, CECMs led by the host Mrs Peninah Mukabane (Water & Environment), County Secretary and Head of Public Service Dr. Lawrence Omuhaka, Chief Officers, Advisors, CBEF Members led by their Secretary Rev. William Owuya, partners, traders and members of the public.