

The first phase of the 10Km per Ward road project initiative led by H.E FCPA Fernandes Barasa, which commenced last month in Butsotso South Ward, Lurambi Sub-county, came to a smooth conclusion today in Marama Central Ward, as the County Majority Leader Hon. Philip Maina hosted the Governor.

At the Ward, the Governor launched Mumbanda – Muluwa road, emphasizing that the road will boost his #FoodSecurity pillar in the agriculturally prosperous Butere Sub-County.

Following the road launch, a public participation forum took place at Ikalikha Dispensary grounds, a burgeoning rural area poised for further growth, accentuated by Butere Township’s elevation to a Municipality, and other visionary initiatives and strategies currently being implemented in the Sub-county.

Political discourse also took the center stage with Governor Barasa calling on the Governor Emeritus Hon. Wycliffe Ambetsa Oparanya to assume the leadership of ODM Party, as he emphatically supported Rt. Hon Raila Odinga’s AU Commission chair bid.

The Governor also committed to complete all projects initiated by his predecessor, starting with Butere Level-4 facility whose construction work stands at over 90% complete.

Other projects in the pipeline are Bukhungu International Stadium, which recently received Ksh. 1 Billion boost from the National Government, Kakamega Airstrip, Kakamega Level-6 Hospital, among others.

Also at the event were MCAs from Butere and other Sub-Counties, County Officials including CECMs, the County Secretary, Chief of Staff, Chief Officers, Advisors, Directors, the Administration and members of the public.