

Global outbreak of zoonotic diseases has underscored the urgent need for Kakamega County to adopt a multisectoral approach to prevent spread of such diseases being; anthrax, rabies and brucellosis among others, in the County.

It is against this backdrop that the ZoNoH Project -Putting One Health into Action, led by the Country Coordinator Dr Kelvin Momanyi convened an important sensization meeting with County Executives from Health, Agriculture and Environment sectors to strengthen county-level efforts by leveraging on a Food Systems and One Health approach to zoonosis management.

During the meeting, the Executives were sensitized on the importance of adopting the One Health approach which integrates human and animal health; global health security and emergencies including occurrence of zoonotic diseases. They were also given an update on establishment of the County One Health Units (COHU) to secure its sustainability.

Once operationalized, the Kakamega COHU will serve as a model for other counties seeking to integrate One Health into their disease prevention strategies in line with Governor Fernandes Barasa’s Health and Sanitation agenda.

The County Government through the Legal Unit is developing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to operationalize the One Health initiative in the County.

In attendance were CECMs Dr Bernard Wesonga (Health Services), Mr Godfrey Owori (Agriculture) and Mrs Peninah Mukabane (Environment); County Attorney CS Vivian Mmbaka, Chief Officers CPA David Kulova (Environment), Dr Barack Otieno (Resource Mobilization and Partnership) and Hon. George Mukodo (Public Health) as well as the Zoonotic Disease Unit Co-Head at the Directorate of Veterinary Services Dr Khadija Chepkorir. Also present were Directors Mr David Olaka (Public Health), Mr Anthony Munanga (Environment), Dr Stephen Wandei (Medical Services) and Dr Christopher Kadenge (Veterinary Services).
