

Likuyani Sub-county, with its abundant agricultural potential, holds opportunities that can be fully harnessed through strategic initiatives.

During his development schedule, this evening at Ivugwi, Likuyani Ward, H.E FCPA Fernandes Barasa highlighted the benefits of ongoing projects in the Sub-county.

Governor Barasa stated that the ongoing KSh 500 Million Kakamega County Aggregation and Industrial Park project he inspected this morning is currently facilitating over 250 site workers through employment and is poised to provide additional jobs to 1,500 individuals upon completion. It aims to foster value addition in agricultural products, boost government revenue to support development projects, and create a digital superhighway for youth skill development.

Another noteworthy project that will transform the Sub-County is the distribution of subsidized fertilizer and climate-resilient maize seeds programme, set to commence next month.

The farm inputs will go a long way in maintaining the status of Likuyani as the food basket of Kakamega and the country.

The eventful day culminated in the launch of the subsidized Ksh. 60 million microfinance loan transfer program for various small and median enterprise traders of Kakamega County.

Present were the Deputy Governor Hon. Ayub Savula, Area MP Hon. Innocent Mugabe, Likuyani Sub-County MCAs led by the Roads Committee chair Hon. Brian Mafunga and Deputy Minority Leader Hon. Dorice Matere, Executive Officials and Administrators of both levels of government.