

The County Government of Kakamega has initiated talks with the Government of Netherlands to operationalize the Kakamega County Milk Plant that is situated at Tumbeni in Malava Sub-County.

On Monday, Deputy Governor H.E Ayub Savula represented H.E FCPA Governor Fernandes Barasa in a meeting with the Netherlands Envoy to Kenya Ambassador Maarten Brouwer, at the County Headquarters and delivered the Governor’s speech which called for support to farmers to enable them deploy modern technology to boost milk production through alternative sources of funding.

The Governor’s speech as delivered by the DG also stated that once operational, the multimillion project will have a capacity to process upto 50,000 litres of milk per day guaranteeing dairy farmers a ready market for their products and enhancing cooperative development in the County.

Amb. Brouwer acknowledged that dairy farming is important for nutrition and committed to support operationalization of the plant. He encouraged exchange programs between farmers to build their capacity.

On his part, the Deputy Governor thanked the Envoy for the noble initiative saying it will boost the economy of Kakamega County.

The County Government through the Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives has stepped up construction of Smart Dairy Farms across the County to act as milk collection centres for farmers before being passed on to the Dairy Plant in Malava.

The Farms are also learning centers for farmers and students. So far Bukura Smart Farm (Lurambi) Matungu Smart Farm (Matungu) Kabras Smart Farm (Lugari) and Khwisero Smart Farm in Khwisero Sub-County are all functional.

CECM for Agriculture, Livestock Fisheries and Cooperatives Mr Benjamin Andama and other Senior County Officers from the department were also present.