

The Governor of Kakamega County H.E FCPA Fernandes Barasa on Monday led senior County Executives and other key Officers in examining the County’s Fiscal Strategy Paper 2023 before its submission to the County Assembly, latest this Tuesday 28th, February 2023 as required by law.

Governor Barasa who has established structures to implement his Manifesto directed respective Departmental accounting officers to analyze their allocated ceilings for the priority projects and programmes to ensure they are in tandem with his six point agenda namely; Health, Sanitation & Hygiene, Wealth Creation, Food Security, Devolved Education, Social Development and Good Governance.

The CFSP guides on the requirement to ensure a minimum allocation of 30 percent of the County Government budget is set aside for development expenditure as well as the expenditure on wages and benefits for public officers not exceeding 35 percent. The paper also outlines the need to utilize funds borrowed by Government only on capital and development estimates.

The Governor also highlighted the crucial role played by the Caounty Assembly in ensuring the Government funds are utilized prudently for the intended purpose.