

Governor H.E Dr Wycliffe Oparanya has signed into law the Kakamega County Water and Sanitation Services Bill, 2021 to enhance operational efficiency.

He said with the signing of the law, he expects his Government through the Department of Water, Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change to implement his dream of having water supply in all villages under the Amatsi khu-Mukuru initiative.

“Lack of a proper legislation had hindered the growth and effective service delivery by the County water company. As a result my dream of having water in all homesteads has not been achieved,” said Governor Oparanya.

Speaking after signing the Bill, the Governor said cash flow challenges and Covid-19 have contributed to the County’s failure to supply clean pipe water to all homesteads.

However, he said the County Government is committed to ensure more people are accessed to clean water and each Sub County has a water project to achieve the target of all homesteads getting pipe water.

“We are committed to ensuring that all sub counties have a water project to ensure people get clean water at their doorstep,” he said.

Deputy Governor H.E Prof Philip Kutima thanked all stakeholders who worked tirelessly to ensure the law is in place.

He noted that the County has two water companies for urban and rural areas.

“The earlier Act had several challenges that hindered service delivery but with the new law we expect it to streamline operations,” said Prof Kutima.

Mr Fanuel Kulati, CECM for Water, Environment Natural Resources and Climate Change said his department is committed to ensuring water services are improved.

“We are embracing the idea of smart meter technology to improve on our services and seal loopholes for corruption,” said Mr Kulati.

He urged defaulters who owe the water company debts to pay to enable the company serve them better.

CECMs, County Secretary and Head of Public Service Madam Jacinta Aluoch, MCAs led by Deputy Speaker Hon Leonard Kasaya among other officials were present.