

Kakamega County Governor H.E FCPA Fernandes Barasa has directed stakeholders charged with development of the County’s Spatial Plan to fast track the process followed by implementation of the critical document; which will form a roadmap that will sustainably guide the use of land and infrastructure development in the County.

In the Governor’s speech read by the CECM for Lands, Housing, Urban Areas and Physical Planning Dr Mariam Barasa during a stakeholder engagement meeting on Tuesday, the County boss said once operational, the document will promote responsible development essential in elevation of Kakamega Municipality to City status as well as the respective Urban centres to Municipalities; with an aim of creating wealth and improving the living standards of residents.

FCPA Barasa’s speech outlined that due to its linkage with the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) and the Annual Development Plan (ADP), the Spatial Plan will enhance efficiency and effectiveness in utilization of County resources and called on the stakeholders to work together to ensure relevant data is collected and resources mobilized to facilitate implementation of the ten year Plan.

County Assembly Land’s Committee Chairperson Hon. Timothy Wanzetse appreciated the Executive arm of the Government for involving Legislators in the development agenda and affirmed the Assembly’s firm commitment to provide the much needed oversight role.

The CECM for Education, Science and Technology Dr Bonface Okoth on his part thanked the United Nations funded Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) for supporting the County in development of the document.