

The Department of Trade, Industrialization and Tourism Thursday undertook the post- publication scrutiny of the Kakamega County Trade and Markets (Amendment) Bill, 2022 with Members of the County Assembly Committee on Trade, Industrialization and Tourism led by their Chairperson Hon. Robert Kundu Makhanu in a session moderated by the County Attorney, CS Vivianne Mmbaka Komwonyo.

The Bill seeks to amend the Kakamega County Trade and Markets Act, 2018 to improve efficiency in the regulation of trade, other business activities and the management of markets in line with H.E. FCPA Governor Fernandes Barasa’s agenda on wealth creation to promote business growth and create a conducive business environment for businesses in market places to thrive.

In his opening remarks, the Deputy County Secretary Mr. Joshua Kutekha implored upon the attendees to critically scrutinize the document and enrich it to ensure that the objectives and purposes of the Kakamega County Trade and Markets Act, 2018 are fully met.

On his part Hon. Makhanu implored members on the importance of the Bill and assured the Executive of the Committee’s support in passing the same at the County Assembly.

The Bill is now scheduled to be submitted to the County Assembly for approval. The House shall among other activities, undertake public participation on the Bill.