

Governor H.E Dr Wycliffe Oparanya today held a consultative meeting with a team from Strong Cities Network (SCN) who paid him a courtesy call in his office.

Governor Oparanya said it was a honour for Kakamega to join the global organization saying the partnership will help promote economic empowerment programmes started by the county for youth and women.

Strong Cities Network was established in 2016 as the first global network of Governors and Mayors, policy makers and practitioners for working together to build community cohesion and resilience to violent extremism especially in the cities.

The organization supports their partners through capacity building, policy formulation, community empowerment and cohesion building among other programmes.

The Governor said enjoining the county as a member has come at the right time adding that they look forward to fruitful collaboration.

He used the meeting to brief the SCN team of the programmes initiated by the county targeting youths and women.

“We have programmes that target youth and women empowerment but we are looking forward for more collaborations that will help us sustain such programmes and initiative more others for the benefit of our people,” said Governor Oparanya.

Madam Patricia Crosby SCN’s Programmes Manager for East Africa who led the team said they target to reach more youths with empowerment programmes to reduce crime rate.

“By engaging youths in socio-economic programmes we will address the issue of violent extremism at the local level,” said Madam Crosby.

She thanked the county for warm reception adding that she was impressed with the programmes initiated by the county for youth.

“”We have made the right decision to bring Kakamega on board. I am impressed with how your programmes are coordinated,” she said.

She added that other counties who are members of SCN include Mombasa, Kwale, Isiolo and Nakuru.

Madam Jacinta Aluoch, the County Secretary and Head of Public Service thanked the Network for choosing Kakamega to be part of their programme.

“The collaboration between the County and Strong Cities Network is welcome. It is good that they chose Kakamega County to be one of their strong partners,” said Madam Aluoch.

Chief Officer for Service Delivery Dr Vitalis Masakhwe said the county had effective structures in place to sustain the collaboration.

Chief Officers Dr Dominic Muteshi (PSA), Dr Irene Ashioya (Education), Mr John Imbogo (Youths) among other County officers were present.