

Kakamega County Governor H.E FCPA Fernandes Barasa on Monday flagged off several school teams from Western region that will be representing the country at this year’s East Africa Secondary Schools Sports Association (EASSA) games at Huye in Rwanda.

The flag off that was preceded by an address to the athletes by Governor Barasa saw H.E the Governor congratulate the winners in the respective disciplines challenging them to replicate the same performance in the East Africa games. The teams are; Butere Girls (Basketball Ball), Koyonzo Boys (Rugby 7s), Mwitoti (Volleyball girls) and Shanderema (Football boys) as well as Badminton and Athletics athletes.

Trans Nzoia’s St. Anthony Boys, the football champions, were also present following a special invite by H.E the Governor.

The Governor affirmed that having hosted the recently concluded National games successfully, Kakamega County is ready to play host to the 2024 East Africa games and called on the organizers to consider the County’s bid during next year’s host selection process.

He expressed optimism that the iconic Bukhungu Stadium will be complete by then and revealed that he will engage President William Ruto with an aim of seeking support towards completion of Phase lll of the project to ensure the sitting capacity is sufficient to host both local and international matches.

The County boss further used the platform to remind interested youths and teams to register, at no cost; for the 2023 edition of the Governor’s Cup which will kick off this month featuring 900 teams and showcasing matches in Football, Rugby, Netball and Volleyball disciplines.

The teams were presented with a new set of playing kits and handed over a cash reward by H.E the Governor.

Deputy Governor H.E Ayub Savula on his part said talent acquisition and development is part of Governor Barasa’s agenda to ensure the youths are empowered through their talents.

Mr Quinto Omusugu the KSSA National Vice Chairperson disclosed that the athletes who were scouted during the just ended competitions in Kakamega will be joining the Talanta Academy in Nairobi starting tomorrow (15th, August, 2023) to sharpen their skills and expose them to opportunities even further.

The event was also attended by Chairperson County Assembly Committee for Labour, Social Services and Sports Hon. Modesta Auka, County Secretary and Head of Public Service Dr Bonface Okoth and Chief Officer for Sports Mr Joseph Abucheri among others.