County Assembly

County Assembly Composition

Kakamega County Speaker,Morris Buluma;

Speaker Morris Buluma is a practiced lawyer who was duly elected by members to head the County Assembly of Kakamega. He steers one of the largest legislative houses in the country composed of sixty elected members and twenty seven nominated members.So far, he has been able to ensure members of the assembly participate in house business appropriately. β€œHouse committees are already in place and they are working hard to ensure that all aspects of the executive are scrutinized. The role of this house is to play an oversight role and every one of us is committed to deliver, β€œhe said.

Despite facing major infrastructural challenges, members of the assembly have managed to discharge their duties. Five bills have been debated and passed by the house since its inception. Kakamega County Appropriation Bill 2013 is the most recent bill to be debated and passed. The bill was part of the budget making process. β€œMembers went out of their way to scrutinize the budget, even finding time during weekends to get the work done. We are proceeding well as a county because of the unselfish contribution of members of the assembly,” he added.

A new assembly chamber has been budgeted for to accommodate all the 90 members of the house. The modern assembly chamber will also incorporate offices and other amenities. Buluma,while lauding the work being done by the assembly, requests members of the public to participate in the activities of the house. β€œResidents of Kakamega County are encouraged to come to the house and follow proceedings.

There is a public gallery ready to accommodate them. They are welcome to participate even at committee level in terms of giving views and proposals.” The speaker says every single one of the 60 elected members of the assembly has made their maiden contributions in the floor of the house and the flow of debate is smooth.


Patrick Kamwesa, Clerk of Kakamega County Assembly

Patrick Kamwesa, the clerk ofΒ  Kakamega County Assembly, is an MBA holder in strategic Management. He has a Post GraduateΒ  Diploma in Project Planning andΒ  Management and a BA in Political ScienceΒ  and Literature from University of Nairobi.

He has attended a Strategic Leadership, Development and Management course from the Kenya School of Government. Mr. Kamwesa has served in government for over twenty years. He has accumulatedΒ  a lot of experience as a clerk whileΒ  working in the former County Council ofΒ  Kakamega and Nzoia County Council. He has also worked in the County Council of Lugari and City Council ofΒ  Nairobi where he served as the Chief Administrative Officer in the DepartmentΒ  of Environment. Β  Β As the clerk of the assembly, he is theΒ  authorized and accounting officer. He also serves as the advisor to the speaker of the assembly. Currently, he is working on a capacityΒ  building program to make the County Assembly more effective and efficient in discharging its constitutional mandate.

Robert Kundu Makhanu, Majority Leader in the Kakamega CountyAssembly

Hon.Makhanu is the leader of the party with the majority in the County Assembly of Kakamega. He represents Kongoni WArd.He is a trained military man upto retire then joined politics.He is a shroud person,go getter,fighter and he does not shy from issues or any controversy.He pushes the business of the house.As the leader of his peers in the house, his prime role is to act as a bridge between the executive and the assembly. The Assembly as presently constituted has a total of 87 members, 60 of whom are affiliated to the Coalition for Reforms and Democracy. β€œ Β  The Executive is not represented in the assembly in the current setup. In this case, the leader of the Majority must ensure the agenda of the executive is discussed,” His duties include marshalling support for the government’s motions and bills among members of the house. He also guides members in matters of legislation to ensure that when bills are brought before the house, proper procedure is followed right from the drafting stage to the tabling and debate. β€œThe house has three responsibilities to execute in discharging its duties. These include legislation, oversight on the work of the executive and representation,” The House is currently working on three bills that would be brought before the house for debate in the next few days. These include the Ward Development Fund Act, the County Assembly Service Board Act and the Environmental Waste Management and Disposal Act. Other bills from the executive are also being awaited for debate in the house including the most urgent one, Early Childhood Development Education Act. β€œWe have a very effective speaker in the assembly who together with the whole house make a very formidable assembly.”

Titus Marachi Kuoma, Minority Leader in Kakamega County Assembly

Titus Marachi Kuoma is the minority leader in the bipartisan assembly of Kakamega.He represents Chakalini Ward.He is a trained secondary teacher.Amani coalition is recognized as the official opposition party Β in the house, which is also the minority party with 19 elected members and eight nominated ones. His duty is to whip members of the minority in the house by giving the way forward on voting in the house on bills, amendments and motions. As a Member of the County Assembly Service Board, he also ensures that the welfare of all the members of the assembly is well catered for. β€œThe opposition has a critical role to play in the development of our county. Ours is not just to oppose everything but rather it is to essentially keep the government of the day in check,”