

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Irrigation, Fisheries and Cooperatives headed by deputy governor H.E. Prof. Philip Museve Kutima today launched Kakamega County Fish Farming subsidy programme to economically empower fish farmers and increase production of fish in the county.

In the deputy governor’s speech, delivered by CECM for Public Service & Administration Dr. Beatrice Sabana, Prof. Kutima said the county government has introduced the programme to increase fish production, improve nutrition among residents and increase income for farmers.

“We will engage with our farmers on cost sharing basis whereby as a government we will purchase quality fish feeds for farmers as they in turn pay for the fingerlings,” said Prof. Kutima.

He said the government had also prioritized extension services and added that his ministry will deploy with immediate effect extension officers to sub counties and wards to teach farmers on the best fish farming practices.

During the event, 8 motorcycles were flagged off by Dr. Sabana to enhance mobility of the fish farming extension officers across the county.

On her part, the Public Service & Administration CECM Dr. Beatrice Sabana encouraged farmers to diversify agriculture by practising dairy farming, horticulture and aquaculture among others.

She reminded the farmers that the availability of a fish factory at Lutonyi in Sheywe ward, Lurambi sub county assures them of a ready market for their fish.

During the event, a total of 489,000 fingerlings were presented to 489 farmers representing their various sub counties, each taking home 1000 fingerlings.

In attendance was deputy speaker and area Member of County Assembly Hon. Leonard Soita Kasaya, Agriculture Committee Chairman at the County Assembly Hon. Geoffrey Omumatera, Lumakanda MCA Hon. Leila Muhandale, Chief Officer for Livestock & Fisheries at theDr. Kelly Nelima, County Director of Fisheries Norman Mulala and sub county administrator for Malava Cyril Mululu among others.