

Health facilities in the County will soon receive drugs and non-pharmaceuticals worth Shs 200 Million. This was revealed by H.E FCPA Governor Fernandes Barasa today, Sunday, during a tour of several projects in Mumias West Sub-County among them Musanda Dispensary where he said the drugs have already been ordered.

The Governor used the opportunity to interact with Community Health Promoters (CHPs) and commended them together with the health care workers in general for their dedication towards service delivery.

The County boss also inspected construction works at Bungasi market saying the process is on track and will be completed and commissioned this Financial Year. Later on FCPA Barasa joined faithfuls at All Saints Musanda ACK Church in Mumias West Sub-County for a Church service.

He was accompanied by Members of the County Assembly led by the Speaker Rt. Hon. James Namatsi, CECMs, Chief Officers and other Senior Government officers.