

Kakamega Governor H.E DR. FCPA Wycliffe Ambetsa Oparanya Thursday commissioned a mega water project at Lwakhupa in Navakholo Sub-County to serve residents of the constituency and its environs. The project that cost the County Ksh 80 million will supply water to over 20,000 homesteads and has already connected 65 homes, three schools and a police post to clean and safe, piped water.

Speaking during the launch, Governor Oparanya said it will be producing adequate water per day capable of supplying the essential commodity to the neighboring Navakholo, Mumias East, Mumias West and parts of Butere Sub-Counties. His Government, he noted, is committed to ensuring all residents are connected to the clean water.

“To ensure residents living in rural areas access clean piped water, my Government established the Kakamega County Rural Water and Sanitation Company whose core mandate is to implement the agenda. Its sister corporation, the Kakamega County Water and Sanitation Corporation is tasked with fixing water connectivity and supply in the urban centres,” the Governor explained.

The County has also constructed other water projects in Lugari, Malava, Shinyalu, Khwisero, Lurambi and Ikolomani Sub-Counties to enhance supply of water to residents.