

Deputy Governor H.E Ayub Savula Friday carried out a reconnaissance of earmarked sites for establishment of Mercury Free Demonstration sites at Rosterman in Shirere Ward, Lurambi Sub-County and Malinya in Ikolomani Sub-County.

This project that will be undertaken in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) funded Planet Gold Kenya will see local miners capacity built on safety mining techniques to curb the perennial fatalities witnessed in mining sites across the County.

The funding worth Kshs 150 Million will be used partly to issue grants and loans to the Members of the already formed miners Sacco and groups to aid in procurement of mercury technology within their sites. This will go a long way in addressing the adverse environmental degradation issues caused by the mineral.

The Deputy Governor who assured the investor of unwavering support from the County Government said the Rosterman land was donated by the County Government while the Malinya land in Ikolomani Sub-County was a donation of Ikolomani NG-CDF. Both lands will go towards establishment of the site.

Accompanying the DG were Senator Hon. Boni Khalwale and respective area MCAs Hon. David Igunza (Shirere Ward) and Hon. Acadius Liyayi (Idakho Central Ward)