Kakamega County has been put on high alert after some people interacted with the index case under treatment in Nairobi. The County Disease Surveillance Team has intensified the contact tracing of the people he interacted with.
In relation to the preparedness and the fight against the spread of corona virus in Kakamega County, we would like to bring the following to your attention:
senior Kakamega County officers whose blood samples were taken for
analysis after traveling from Italy have tested negative. We commend the
officers for their cooperation in the exercise. Five other people who
had also a positive history of having travelled from abroad have tested
negative. We are still waiting for test results of two other people.
• Twenty people from five sub counties have been put under quarantine.
13 of them are said to have interacted with the index case under
medication in Nairobi.
• The County has set aside funds for supporting all health facilities to be able to handle any suspected case of COVID-19.
• Kakamega County has received a consignment from National Government
through KEMSA to help in the fight against the spread of the virus. In
addition other partners who include Masinde Muliro University, UNICEF,
Midland Emporium, Pharm Access and AMPATH Plus have given support in
either training, IEC Materials and commodities. We appeal to any other
willing donor/s to come on board.
• The County has stepped up the
training programme for various groups and a total of 15,747 personnel
have been sensitized. The training is still ongoing.
• Public
Health personnel are continuing with fumigation of offices. They will
also fumigate the Kakamega main market. I ask traders at the market to
cooperative with them as they undertake the exercise.
• Water
department has ensured that all essential services providers such as
hospitals, markets and shopping centres among others are connected with
• We appeal to the transport sector to avoid crowding in the
vehicles. We have noticed that Boda boda operators are still carrying
more than one passenger. They should desist from this as it exposes them
to dangers of contracting the Corona virus hence its spread.
• In
an effort to contain the spread of Corona Virus *we have directed that
all mines in the County be closed with immediate effect.* Security
Personnel should ensure the directive is enforced.
The County government has put adequate measures to protect citizens from contracting corona virus. But this can only be achieved if all of us observe high degree of self-hygiene and discipline. The County does not have the capacity to police each and every individual to ensure that they follow the laid down guidelines such as hand washing, keeping social distance and avoiding crowded areas, among others.
In this regard we once again appeal to every citizen to practice self-responsibility as this is key to winning the war against Covid-19.
End of statement.
Also present were County Commisioner Pauline Dola, Health services CECM Rachel Okumu and County Secretary and Head of Public Service, madam Jacinta Aluoch Odhiambo among other senior government officers from both levels of government.