

Kakamega governor H.E. Hon. FCPA Wycliffe Ambetsa Oparanya today announced that the samples taken from three individuals suspected to be victims of coronavirus have turned negative.

The individuals – two ladies from Navakholo and Khwisero Sub Counties and a Kakamega-based businessman who recently returned from Dubai – were in a stable condition in isolation facilities, he said.

The governor who was addressing reporters at the County Headquarters said a multi-agency steering committee on COVID -19 to be chaired by himself, and co-chaired by the County Commissioner, Pauline Dolla, has been established to deal with preventive and mitigation issues. He also said the committee will set up a communication command centre at Kakamega General Hospital to give the public regular updates on the state of the virus twice a week-Monday & Thursday.

The County boss who was flanked by the CECM for Health, madam Rachel Okumu and madam Dolla announced arrival of 300 personal protective equipment (PPEs) from the National Government through the Ministry of Devolution.

“More PPEs will be purchased by the County Government soon,” he said.

Governor Oparanya called on patients seeking medical attention in facilities across the county to ensure they get screened at the designated areas-at the entrance-before seeking any service. “Kakamega health system is prepared with highly skilled, well trained and equipped personnel to battle the dreaded virus,” he assured. He invited any interested organized group/s such as bodaboda for sensitization on how to remain safe from the virus.

Also present were the County Secretary and Head of Public Service, Madam Jacinta Aluoch Odhiambo, the County Police Commander, Mr. Bernard Muli, Chief Officer Health Projects, Dr. Brenda Makokha, County Youth Advisor, Mophat Mandela and other members of the the steering committee.