

H.E. Governor Wycliffe Ambetsa Oparanya has called on government officers to institute proper control measures on government cash to avoid theft.
The governor has also warned of dire consequences on any government employee engaged in the vice.

“My principle is that I do not encourage friendship at work; if any of you is found culpable of
stealing government funds there will be no shortcuts, the law will take its course’’,
said the governor.

The governor who was flanked by the CECM for Finance Mr. Geoffrey
Omulayi was addressing the revenue collection team comprising of
CECMs, Chief Officers, the County Secretary and Head of Public Service
and Sub county administrators today at Bishop Stam pastoral centre, Kakamega during the weekly revenue meetings.

H.E. the Governor called on the supervisors to ensure rotation of the revenue collectors to avoid being compromised at their work stations.

“No one should be stuck at one particular point of work as this leads to complacency and encourage tendencies of being compromised’’, he said.

The governor instructed the officers to ensure that any document consisting of security features be printed from outside the county as a control measure to guard against forgery.

“There is a reason why simple Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE)
examination papers are printed outside this country and I believe there is need to follow that route while printing our stickers, business
permits and other sensitive documents’’, he said.

He called on the Kakamega Revenue Agency headed by Madam Beatrice
Memo, who was present, to expedite the agency’s structure so as to be
able to take over from the current team when the right time comes.

Also present was the Vice Chair County Public Service Board Mr. John
Subai, the County Attorney, the Chief of Staff, Heads of Departments, Advisors and the Personal Assistant to
the Governor, among others.