

Senior Officers from H.E Governor Fernandes Barasa’s cabinet CECMs Dr. Boniface Okoth of Education with his colleague from the Lands Ministry Dr. Miriam Barasa on Monday led the revenue enforcement collection drive in Navakholo Subcounty, Nambacha Market.

The duo began with a debrief meeting that divided the team into five groups each responsible for manning the wards in the subcounty namely Bunyala central, Bunyala West, Bunyala East, Shinoyi Shikomari Esumeyia and Ingotse Matiha.

The team then proceeded to inspect revenue collection process at Nambacha Stock ring, Nambacha Slaughter house, Parking and Lorry payment fees, Nambacha Barter Market and Nambacha Modern market.

While speaking to traders in the market, the two CECM notified the traders of the importance of paying revenue in order to achieve quality service delivery and development in Kakamega. Traders were further notified about the counties intention to enforce maximum utilization of the Nambacha modern market and move traders away from the roadsides for their own safety.

Kakamega County Revenue Collection Agency (KCRA) has a 2 Billion annual Revenue Collection target in the entire Kakamega County.

Present in the meeting was the Chief Officer for Sports, Youths and Library services Mr. Joseph Abucheri.