

Three hundred and sixty (360) vulnerable families in Kakamega County will benefit from houses constructed by the County Government with an aim of improving their living standards, under the County Shelter Improvement Programme.

In addition, each house will be connected with rain water harvesting system and installed with a 1000 litres water tank to boost water storage.

Kakamega Governor H.E FCPA Fernandes Barasa on Thursday at Mukhonje Primary School grounds in Shinyalu Sub-County, officially commissioned Phase 7 of the transformative Programme which targets vulnerable members of the society living in deplorable conditions.

Governor Barasa said the programme will impact positively on the academic performance of pupils and students from benefiting families due to a conducive environment brought about by the change in housing status.

FCPA Barasa affirmed that in the next five years, the County Government will have constructed 1800 across the County adding that the beneficiaries will also receive a high density mattress and a pair of blankets.

The County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Social Services, Sports, Youth, Gender and Culture Mr Mophat Mandela stated that the vetting process ensured that only the needy, deserving residents benefit from the programme.

The event was also attended by Shinyalu MP Hon. Fred Ikana, CECMs, MCAs’, Chief Officers and other senior Government officers.