

The Governor of Kakamega County H.E. FCPA Fernandes Barasa has instructed the County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Finance and the County Chief Revenue Administrator to ensure the County meets or surpasses the set revenue target of Ksh 2Billion this Financial Year (2022/23); despite the current County potential being Ksh 3Billion.

Governor Barasa said this when he presided over the swearing in ceremony of County Executives at Bukhungu Stadium, Kakamega.

He stressed that Kakamega has a huge potential of realizing the target but has been unable to achieve that due to revenue leakages occasioned by unscrupulous staff colluding with cartels.

“We must initiate a culture change on revenue collection through

strict and active involvement of Revenue Officers tasked with this

exercise,” the Governor said and cautioned unauthorized County staff against collecting revenue.

The Governor also advised for enhancement of collection of County Own Source Revenue through Land

rates, Health services, Advertisement, Single Business Permits,

Cess and Building plans approvals among others.

The County boss assured Government clients especially contractors and merchants of transparency in payments as well as reduced delays of processes through introduction of an efficient centralized system of receiving, tracking and

processing invoices.

“I wish to reiterate the position of my Administration’s Zero

Tolerance to Corruption where we are rooting out unethical behaviour from the system,” he stated.

Deputy Governor H.E. Hon. Ayub Savula on his part joined the Governor in congratulating the new officers and said the County will collaborate with the National Government to ensure completion of mega County projects such as the County Teaching and Referral Hospital.